…without info about your lot and home design requirements;
Insulated Poured Concrete +/- P30,000 per sq.m. floor area
Solid Poured Concrete = +/- P25,000 per sq.m. floor area (SAME AS HOLLOW BLOCKS)
Waffle Box = +/- P20,000 per sq.m. floor area
(those are prices for the complete finished homes; but we can also do only the ‘bare structure’. Then just use +/- 50% of the cost.)
‘Bare Structure’ = roof, electric/plumbing, concreting like walls, floors, septic tank and (depending on contract) also windows, doors etc.
– we offer loans, easy flexible payment
By the way… Waffle Box Homes are actually ‘half price’ since a 40 square meter house has a 40 square meter roof deck EXTRA…
The cost of building a house in the Philippines depends on MORE THAN JUST ‘materials and labor’…
The construction of a house in the Philippines is a process involving more than a dozen trades, hundreds of products, and thousands of steps that must be scheduled, coordinated, and performed quickly and correctly; to give a cost for that WITHOUT knowing the following details would be GUESSWORK which is not good for both you and the home builder.
The building cost for your house or commercial building depends on the exact location (city or province or island?), total floor area (make the house 2x bigger and the price will become 2x higher), two storey or bungalow, the logistics/accessibility (is it possible to use a truck to bring the materials or do they have to be carried?), regulations/restrictions of the local government or subdivision (‘they all have their own different rules’), soil-type, site preparation (maybe your lot need excavation, a road, backfilling, compaction, a retaining-wall, dewatering and/or runoff control measures?) neighbor-buildings (fire-wall?), availability of local skilled labor, source of electricity/water etc. plus you have to select what construction methods have to be used (hollow blocks, solid concrete with- or without insulation, ICF etc.) and you need to know exact which brand, quality and color tiles you want or what kind of windows, doors, kitchen, roof etc. etc.
WAIT! We can use the latest construction method ‘WAFFLE BOX’. For example, the following STUDIO APARTMENT… including ROOF DECK!
For those who do NOT build with the WAFFLE BOX TECHNOLOGY, the average estimated cost per square meter total floor-area for building a finished home (including tiles, paint, doors, windows etc.) in the Philippines, done by a contractor, is (drumroll):
Between Php 25,000 and Php 30,000…
NOTE: if your house is 100 sq mt ground floor plus 50 sq mt next floor; the TOTAL floor area is 150 sq mt. Just multiply 150 with Php 25,000.
NOTE: Php 25,000 per square meter floor area is for a very nice, good quality, middle class home in the Philippines, complete; you get the keys. (cost is not including lot)
NOTE: The cost per sq mt is just a statistical figure derived over the last years. ONLY when you have the plans, we can give an itemized cost estimate.
NOTE: The estimated cost per square meter for a garage is of course lower than for the livingroom; so the price per square meter which your Philippine contractor gives you is an average cost for the whole house.
NOTE: a two-storey house might be a little more expensive than ‘only groundfloor’… because for a 2 storey home we need to make stronger ‘walls plus columns’ (we pour those as one-whole) to carry the next floor.
NOTE: you are the one to choose the quality of the materials to be used; we visit together with you some hardware stores.
More or less half of that amount is for building only the ‘shell’ (Concrete Foundation, Posts, Walls, Slabs, Roof, Septic tank and embedded electric/plumbing pipes) without tiles/paint etc.
…next video cost of building a house in the philippines here…
People from USA or Europe (with strict requirements) have to expect ‘a little higher than average construction cost’ because they demand- and select better quality materials.
Yes, there is a difference between cost to build for a Filipino or for an Expat.
No, we don’t mean the ‘Kano Price’…
It’s just a fact that most Filipinos are satisfied with (in the eyes of an Expat) a more simple home (like those ‘pink subdivision boxes’).
Expats in the Philippines demand better quality, higher ceilings, and that comes with a higher price.
You want solar panels? Vaulted ceilings? Insulated (two sheets glass-) windows? Ceramic Roof Tiles? Decorative stones on outside walls? Higher quality kitchen and bathroom? Then you pay more. And getting a loan? Yeah sure, build now, pay never.
The cost per sq mt is just a statistical figure. When you have the plans, we can give an itemized cost estimate.
Included are mostly:
1. Design, Floorplan, Blueprints, Building Permit
2. Plumbing, septic tank sewer
3. Electrical works
4. Embedded items for Aircon
5. Floor, walls and ceiling finishes
6. Roof
7. Doors and windows
8. Painting, Termites Protection
9. Hardwares, door locks, hinges
Excluded are mostly: (offered but charged separate)
1. Deposits to Electrical and Water utilities
2. Fence and gates, appliances (bath-tub, refrigerator etc.)
3. Swimming pool
4. Aircon units
5. Furniture and cabinets
6. Transformer for 110 volts
7. Deepwell and reservoir
WAIT! We can also use the latest construction method ‘WAFFLE BOX’. Contact us now…
First check your budget. It’s a complete waste of time to look on the Internet for home designs while not yet knowing how many square meter house you can afford. But how do you know what is the house construction cost per square meter to build a house in the Philippines?
So the only correct way to know how much the cost will be of building a home in the Philippines is when you already own a lot and the blueprints. Then you can itemize all work items of your project and price it accordingly. Nobody likes ‘guesswork’.
But what if you only want to know an estimated house construction cost as to prepare your budget for the future? Just ask any Philippine architect or local contractor; he knows from his previously built homes plus his experience how much the average estimated cost per square meter floor area is to build your house in the Philippines. The estimated cost per square meter for a garage is of course lower than for the livingroom; so mostly the price per square meter which your Philippine contractor gives you is an average cost for the whole house.
Please indicate what kind of finish you need:
A) ‘Budget’ or ‘Low Cost’ (ordinary ceramic tiles or vinyl, ordinary paint, G.I. galvanized steel long span roofing, steel casement windows)
B) ‘Average finish’ (ceramic- and granite tiles or wood floor panels/parquet, good quality paint, insulated G.I. galvanized steel long span roofing, steel casement windows, cabinets in kitchen and bedrooms)
C) ‘High-end first-class finish’ (imported tiles or wood floor panels/parquet, Decore- or Multiflex paint, wall-mouldings, insulated G.I. galvanized steel long span roofing or clay tiles, aluminum or PVC framed windows, laminated cabinets in kitchen and bedrooms, hot and cold water)
Discounting is for Losers
Giving a discount is the number one technique local Philippine ‘contractors‘ (a foreman without office and/or contract) are using to get your attention but it actually reveals poor management. In the end it is YOU who will ‘pay the price’.
Build a house in the Philippines completely by yourself and save (maybe) a whooping 20% if you are able- and willing to spend a lot of time (as in fulltime) on the building site, can keep records, manage a dozen of trades, hundreds of building materials, and thousands of steps that must be scheduled, coordinated, and performed quickly and correctly to finish the project, for about 4 months, probably much longer. It’s more fun in the Philippines!
