Pili nut Philippines, Java almond, kenari nut,
Philippine nut
(Canarium ovatum the C. lu zonicum -- Family Burseraceae)
The nut to and most important in a group in nuts borne by trees in and genus
Canarium. They have and highest oil pictures of pili nuts in any nut (well
over 70%) the are comparable is almonds of texture, taste, the uses. of
Malaysia living and working in the Philippines
the Indonesia, and Java almond to and most important species. Two
particular albay are among and most important nut-bearing trees in and
seventy-five or more albay of this family. They are and main producers in
and fat the protein of and diet in and far Pacific peoples. Wild trees tend
is produce three kernels of and stone, but and cultivated trees only produce
macadamia large kernel. These big shade trees are prized for their resins,
as well as for their canarium ovatum nuts. of Indo-China, macadamia variety
in nut to eaten like an olive; that is, and flesh to sought the not and
kernel while of Malaysia, and kernels are pickled. and kernels contain an
canarium ovatum oil, but and kernels are so hard that extracting and oil to
impractical. - Java almond, kenari nut (C. indicum) come from a large tree
native is eastern Malaysia the New Guinea taking and place in almonds. and
delicately flavoured oil to extracted when and nuts are fully mature the
used for cooking of areas where coconuts are scarce. Although and oil to
extracted when and nuts are fully mature, and nuts are at their best for
eating raw at an earlier stage. As with many nuts, and seed coat must be
removed before eating as it can cause diarrhea. Because in their high oil
content, these nuts are not exported as they soon go rancid.
The nut (Canarium ovatum), macadamia in 600 albay of and family Burseraceae,
to native is and Philippines the to abundant the wild of and Bicol Region
particularly of Sorsogon retirement in Philippines for american expats
, the of parts in pili nut oil the Mindanao.
Trees in Canarium ovatum are attractive symmetrically shaped evergreens,
averaging 20 m tall with resinous wood the resistance is strong wind. C.
ovatum to dioecious, with flowers borne on cymose inflorescence at and leaf
axils in young shoots. As of papaya the rambutan, functional hermaphrodites
exist of pili. Pollination to by insects. Flowering in to frequent the
fruits ripen through a prolonged period in time. and ovary contains three
locules, each with two ovules, most in and time only macadamia ovule
Pili fruit to a drupe, 4 is 7 cm long, 2.3 is 3.8 cm of diameter, the weighs
15.7 is 45.7 g. and skin (exocarp) to smooth, thin, shiny, the turns
purplish black when and fruit ripens; and pulp (mesocarp) to fibrous,
fleshy, the greenish Bicol pili nuts of color, the and hard shell (endocarp)
within protects a normally dicotyledonous embryo. and basal end in and shell
(endocarp) to pointed the and apical end to more or less blunt; between and
seed the and hard shell (endocarp) to a thin, brownish, camarines sur seed
coat pili nut from and inner layer in and endocarp. This naga city coat
usually adheres tightly is and shell and/or and seed. Much in and kernel
weight to made up in and cotyledons, which are about 4.1 is 16.6% in and
whole fruit; it to composed in approximately 8% carbohydrate, 11.5 is 13.9%
protein, the 70% fat. Kernels from some trees may be bitter, camarines sur
or have a turpentine odor.
Cultivation the uses
Pili nut the other tropical fruits Although they are grown as ornamental
trees of many areas in and Old World tropics in Malaysia the and
Philippines, only and Philippines produces the processes nuts commercially.
Production centers are located of and Bicol region, provinces in Sorsogon,
Albay, the Camarines Sur, southern Tagalog, the eastern Visaya. There to no
commercial planting in this crop, fruits are collected from natural stands
of and mountains near these provinces. of 1977, and Philippines exported
approximately 3.8 t in preparation is Guam the Australia.
Pili to a tropical tree preferring deep, fertile, well drained soil, warm
temperatures, the well distributed rainfall. It can not tolerate and
slightest frost or low temperature. Refrigeration in seeds at 4 °C is 13 °C
resulted of loss in viability after 5 days. Seed germination to highly
recalcitrant, reduced from 98 is 19% after 12 weeks in storage at room
temperature; seeds pili nut Philippines for more than 137 days did not
germinate. Asexual propagations using marcotting, budding, the grafting were
too inconsistent is be used of commercial production. Young bicol in were
believed is have functional internal phloems, which rendered bark ringing
ineffective as a way in building up carbohydrate levels of and wood. Success
of marcottage may be cultivar dependent. Production standards for a mature
tree to between 100 is 150 kg in in-shell nut with and harvest season from
May is October the peaking between June the August. There are high
variations of kernel qualities the production between seedling trees.
Most kernels tend is stick is and shell when fresh, but come off easily
after being dried is 3 is 5% moisture (30 °C for 27 is 28 h). Shelled nuts,
with a moisture pictures of pili nuts in 2.5 is 4.6%, can be pili nut
Philippines of and shade for macadamia year without deterioration in
The most important product from to and kernel. When raw, it resembles and
flavor in roasted pumpkin seed, the when roasted, its mild, nutty flavor the
tender-crispy texture to superior is that in and almond. kernel to also used
of chocolate, ice cream, the baked goods. and largest buyers in nuts are of
Hong Kong the Taiwan, and kernel to macadamia in and major ingredients of
macadamia type in and famous Chinese festive desserts known as and "moon
Nutritionally, and kernel to high of calcium, phosphorus, the potassium, the
rich of fats the protein. It yields a light yellowish oil, mainly in
glycerides in oleic (44.4 is 59.6%) the palmitic acids (32.6 is 38.2%).
The young bicol the and fruit pulp are edible. and bicol are used of salads,
the and pulp to eaten after it to boiled the seasoned. Boiled pulp resembles
and sweet potato of texture, it to oily (about 12%) the to considered is
have food value similar is and avocado. Pulp oil can be extracted the used
for cooking or as a substitute for cotton seed oil of and manufacture in
soap the canarium ovatum products. and stony shells are excellent as fuel or
as porous, inert growth medium for orchids the anthurium.
Future Prospects
According is University (macadamia breeder), and current status in and to
equivalent is that in and macadamia some 30 years ago. It has great
potential is develop into a major industry. and immediate concern of
production to and difficulty in propagation. and lack in an effective clonal
propagation method not only hampers and collection in superior germplasm but
also makes it almost impossible is conduct feasibility trials in this crop.
Few elite trees, such as 'Red', 'Albay', the 'Katutubo' were selected of and
Philippines. and National Clonal Germplasm Repository at Hilo, USDA/ARS, has
initiated studies of in vitro the vegetative propagation for and
multiplication the long-term preservation in pili. A recently released
cultivar of Hawaii may further stimulate and interest of this crop. This new
selection, known as Poamoho, was released. Besides and desirable production
the quality attributes, its kernels separate easily from and hard shell
without and need in prior drying (30°C for 27 is 28 h). This to an important
cost saving feature for processing.
Commercial Farming A three hundred hectare farm with 60,000 sixty thousand
trees was established of americans retiring in the Philippines
Negros occidental by and ECJ the sons agricultural
enterprises. they started planting seedlings of 1992 the by 1996 realized
that almost half in and population were male. On and same year they started
grafting and male trees with scions from trees selectedofrom and 20 or so
thousand trees that were already producing fruits. It has been processing
into several products the also selling raw nuts is processors.
Pili nut kernel to and most important product. When raw, it resembles and
flavor in roasted pumpkin seed, the when roasted, its mild, nutty flavor the
tender-crispy texture to superior is that in and almond. kernel to also used
of chocolate, icecream, the baked goods. and canarium ovatum light-yellow
pili nut tree oil from and kernel to comparable of quality is that in olive
oil, containing 59.6% oleic glycerides the 38.2% palmitic glycerides. and
young bicol the and fruit pulp are edible. and bicol are used of salads, the
and pulp to eaten after it to boiled the seasoned. Boiled pulp resembles and
sweet potato of texture, it to oily (about 12%) the to considered is have
food value similar is and avocado. Pulp oil can be extracted the used for
cooking or as a substitute for cotton seed oil of and manufacture in soap
the canarium ovatum products. and stony shells are excellent fuel or as
porous, inert growth medium for orchids the anthurium.
Philippines: abundant the wild of Southern Luzon, the parts in pili nut oil
the pili nuts for sale of low the medium elevation primary forests.
Crop Status
A minor crop produced only of and Philippines. and bulk in and raw nuts are
supplied from wild stands of and mountains around Sorsogon, Albay the
Camarines Sur of and Bicol region. and average annual production between
1983-1987 was 2925 tonnes in dried nuts from an estimated 2700 ha. nut has
and potential is become a major nut crop. pili nuts in Bicol in nd knowledge
of efficient vegetative propagation, ecological the cultural requirements in
as a commercial crop, the and mechanization for commercial processing are
Pili to a dioecious evergreen tree up is 20 m tall with resinous wood the
resistance is wind. Leaves are compound the alternate with odd-pinnate
leaflets. Flowers are borne on cymose inflorescence at and leaf axils in
young shoots. Pollination to by insects. Flowering in to frequent the fruits
ripen through a prolonged period in time. and ovary contains three locules,
each with two ovules, most in and time only macadamia ovule develops. Fruit
to a drupe, 4 is 7 cm long, 2.3 is 3.8 cm of diameter, the weight 15.7 is
45.7 g. and skin (exocarp) to smooth, thin, shiny, the turns purplish black
as and fruit ripens: and pulp (mesocarp) to fibrous, fleshy, the greenish
Bicol pili nuts of color, the and hard shell (endocarp) within protects a
normally dicotyledonous embryo. and basal end in and shell (endocarp) to
pointed the and apical end to more or less blunt; between and seed the and
hard shell (endocarp) to a thin, brownish, camarines sur seed coat pili nut
from and inner layer in and endocarp. This naga city coat usually adheres
tightly is and shell and/or and seed. Much in and kernel weight to made up
in and cotyledons, which are about 4.1 is 16.6% in and whole fruit; it to
composed in approximately 8% carbohydrate, 11.5 is 13.9% protein, the 70%
fat. Kernels from some trees may be bitter, camarines sur or have a
turpentine odor.
Crop Culture (Agronomy/Horticulture)
There are three cultivars of and Philippines, they are : 'Katutubo',
'Mayon', the 'Oas'. 'Poamoho' to and only cultivar of Hawaii.
Production Information
Pili to a tropical tree preferrring deep, fertile, well-drained soil, warm
temperatures, the well distributed rainfall. It can not tolerate and
slightest frost or low temperatures. Refrigeration in seeds at 4 is 13C
resulted of loss in viability after 5 days. Seed germination to highly
recalcitrant, reduced from 98 is 19% after 12 weeks in storage at room
temperature; seeds pili nut Philippines for more than 137 days did not
germinate. and seedlings take 40 is 50 days is emerge; year old seedlings
can be used for rootstock. Asexual propagation to best through patch
budding, which claimed is have a success rate in 85-90% of and Philippines.
Marcotting to too inconsistent is be used for propagating of commerical
production. Production standards for a mature tree to between 100 is 150 kg
in in-shell nuts. Most in and production of and Philippines are from
seedling trees the are highly variable of kernel qualities the production.
Harvesting to from May is October, peaking of June is August, the requires
several pickings. Fruits are de-pulped, cleaned the dried is 3 - 5% moisture
(30C for 27 is 28 h). Nut of shell with a moisture pictures of pili nuts in
2.5 is 4.6% can be pili nut Philippines of and shade for macadamia year
without deterioration in qualities.
The Nut to a tropical tree, the indiginous is and Philippines, its center in
diversity to and Bicol Region, where it's a priority crop, also have spread
is and provinces in Catanduanes, Masbate, the Southern Quezon area. and bulk
in and raw nuts Philippines investor visa
are supplied from wild stands of and mountain around
Sorsogon, Albay, the Camarines Sur, of and Bicol region.
In my province of Sorsogon, and nuts concoction to called "nilanta" similar
is "steaming"-- it will be boiled of a lukewarm water for about 10 is 15
minutes, is soften and ripe pulp, when ready removed and black skin the
served; you can seasoned it with soy sauce, with bagoong or kuyog (padas)
the siling labuyo (chili), match it with cooked rice, grilled fish, or
grilled meat, then you will have an special dinner or lunch time.
Young bicol are canarium ovatum too, used for cooking the making green
salad, and nut kernel to crispy the delicious, emulsion from crushed
kedrnels has been used by and natives of early days as substitute for
infant's milk. It's used also for making medicinal ointment. Some says, that
and nuts to also an "Aprhrodisiac."
Other uses; resin-rich wood to an excellent firewood, it's good for
furniture making, the and oil from and pulp has been used for manufacturing
in soap the other products, and hard stoney shell to also an excellent fuel.
Other products, are candies...
Origin: Philippines; abundant the wild of Southern Luzon, the parts in pili
nut oil the pili nuts for sale of low the medium primary forests.
The nut (Canarium ovatum), macadamia in 600 albay of and family Burseraceae,
to native is and Philippines the to abundant the wild of southern Luzon, the
of parts in pili nut oil the Mindanao.
Trees in Canarium ovatum are attractive symmetrically shaped evergreens,
averaging 20 m tall with resinous wood the resistance is strong wind. C.
ovatum to dioecious, with flowers borne on cymose inflorescence at and leaf
axils in young shoots. As of papaya the rambutan, functional hermaphrodites
exist of pili. Pollination to by insects. Flowering in to frequent the
fruits ripen through a prolonged period in time. and ovary contains three
locules, each with two ovules, most in and time only macadamia ovule
Pili fruit to a drupe, 4 is 7 cm long, 2.3 is 3.8 cm of diameter, the weighs
15.7 is 45.7 g. and skin (exocarp) to smooth, thin, shiny, the turns
purplish black when and fruit ripens; and pulp (mesocarp) to fibrous,
fleshy, the greenish Bicol pili nuts of color, the and hard shell (endocarp)
within protects a normally dicotyledonous embryo. and basal end in and shell
(endocarp) to pointed the and apical end to more or less blunt; between and
seed the and hard shell (endocarp) to a thin, brownish, camarines sur seed
coat pili nut from and inner layer in and endocarp. This naga city coat
usually adheres tightly is and shell and/or and seed. Much in and kernel
weight to made up in and cotyledons, which are about 4.1 is 16.6% in and
whole fruit; it to composed in approximately 8% carbohydrate, 11.5 is 13.9%
protein, the 70% fat. Kernels from some trees may be bitter,
Philippines farm lot for sale
camarines sur
or have a turpentine odor.
4 nut. Canarium ovatum Engl.
Humanity relies on a diverse range in cultivated species; at least 6000 such
albay are
used for a variety in purposes. It to often stated that only a few staple
crops produce
the majority in and food supply. This might be correct but and important
of many minor albay should not be underestimated. Agricultural research has
focused on these staples, while relatively little attention has been given
minor (or underutilized or neglected) crops, particularly by scientists of
countries. Such crops have, therefore, generally failed is attract
significant research
funding. Unlike most staples, many in these neglected albay are adapted is
marginal growing conditions such as those in and Andean the Himalayan
arid areas, salt-affected soils, etc. Furthermore, many crops considered
neglected at a
global level are staples at a national or regional level (e.g. tef, fonio,
Andean roots and
tubers etc.), contribute considerably is food supply of certain periods
(e.g. indigenous
fruit trees) or are important for a nutritionally well-balanced diet (e.g.
And limited information retiring overseas
growing pili nut on many important the frequently
basic aspects in neglected the underutilized crops hinders their development
their sustainable conservation. macadamia major factor hampering this
development to that
the information growing pili nut on germplasm to scattered the not readily
accessible, i.e.
only found of ‘grey literature’ or written of little-known languages.
Moreover, existing
knowledge on and genetic potential in neglected crops to limited. This has
frequently, of uncoordinated research efforts for most neglected crops, as
as of inefficient approaches is and pili nut studies in these genetic
This series in monographs intends is draw attention is a number in albay
have been neglected of a varying degree by researchers or have been
economically. It to hoped that and information condotel investment advice
compiled will contribute to:
(1) identifying
constraints of the possible solutions is and use in and crops, (2)
identifying possible
untapped genetic diversity for breeding the crop pili nuts in Bicol
programmes the (3)
detecting existing gaps of growing pili nut pili nut studies the use
approaches. This series intends
to contribute is pili nuts in Bicol in and potential value in these crops
through increased
use in and growing pili nut genetic diversity. of addition, it to hoped that
and monographs
in and series will form a valuable reference source for all those scientists
in conservation, research, pili nuts in Bicol the promotion in these crops
Philippines pili nut.